lunes, 23 de julio de 2012

Israel fears Iran will attack Olympics and asks to start war before that ... - Scrape TV

July 22 2012

Jerusalem, Israel – With only a few days to go before the Olympic Games in London everyone in that city is on edge. Workers are running around trying to get the last few details sorted out, athletes are trying to start focussing on their events, and residents are getting angry at all the traffic snarls and inconvenience the Games always security

Now, with everyone already stressed to the max, a new problem has arisen. Israeli intelligence services have issued a warning, or at least voiced concerns, that Iran is planning to attack the Games in some manner. While there were no details made available to anyone, Israel is deeply concerned that an attack is imminent and something must be done to prevent it from happening.

What that action is, though, of course depends on the exact nature of the threat which no one at all seems clear on. Israel, though, believes it may have a catch-all solution that could end the Iranian threat altogether and it involves them flying their jets over Iranian airspace and firing a whole bunch of missiles, something they have been advocating since well before the Olympic threat.

"Iran will attack the Games unless something is done, just as they have done in Bulgaria and all around the world. They will attack Israelis wherever we are vulnerable and we are very vulnerable at the Olympics," said a Mossad insider. "This is inevitable and unless we are allowed to do something many people will die and the great event of the Olympic Games will be ruined forever."

The opening ceremony of the Games coincides with the 40th anniversary of the 1972 Munich attack which had nothing to do with Iran.netanyahu olympics mad

A recent attack on a bus in Bulgaria that killed five Israelis has been attributed to Iran despite a complete and utter lack of evidence proving such a link.

"Obviously Israel is very much on edge. They are almost always on edge though so it doesn't really change anything at all. It is possible, likely even, that someone is planning a terror attack in London but that could be said for any given time in that city. With all the added security pulling something like that off is going to be tough for sure," said Scrape TV Sports analyst Mark Marvins. "Taking that fact out, though, isn't going to sit well with Israel which really, clearly, wants to attack Iran and will find any excuse to do so even if they haven't done anything. That's a shame, really, that Iran is subject to so much hostility when all they want to do is wipe Israel off the map, well, kind of."

Iranian officials have said as much in the past though have never really lifted a finger to do so.mahmoud iran olympics

"The real risk is that tempers get so inflamed that Israel just goes and strikes Iran right in the middle of the Games. That would suck especially since Iranian missiles can reach London which of course means they would launch a full-scale attack on the city during the Games and kill millions. Heck, they might even use their nukes and destroy the world. That would suck," continued Marvins. "I can't of anything further outside the Olympic ideals than global thermonuclear war. That would really put a damper on the Games that really we would never be able to get past, principally because we would all be dead of course."

Iran has denied bombing the bus in Bulgaria or of having plans to attack the Olympics which is exactly what Israel would expect them to say.

Alexi Orton, Sports Correspondent


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