martes, 4 de septiembre de 2012

Famous Democrat War Hero Attacks Fellow Warriors. Again - American Thinker (blog)

John Kerry is up to his old tricks, doing what he's done all his sorry, sleazy  Democrat life, attempting to discredit American warriors. This time around, John Fraud Kerry is smearing our special operations forces on behalf of probably the only man alive who is a more deplorable commander-in-chief than Kerry himself would have been. Kerry missed that opportunity because of the courage of the men he served with in Vietnam, officers and enlisted, who stood shoulder-to-shoulder and denounced him as unfit to command. They so thoroughly torpedoed the political scow Kerry was trying to sail up the Potomac that they have entered the political lexicon in the form of the term swiftboating, a pejorative to the left and a term describing distinctly courageous and honorable behavior to those on the right. 

The lapdog media always claimed that Kerry was smeared because the SBV campaign supposedly spread vicious lies about his service. Hiding behind the media, Kerry swore he would release his complete military records, proving the Swiftees to be liars and then would sue them for libel, slander, defamation etc, etc. Funny thing about those records and that suing business: he never did sign the Form 180 to release his records nor did he sue the Swift Boat Veterans, did he? And why do you suppose that is? The man was denied the highest political position in the world, supposedly by defamatory lies, and yet he neither  provided proof of those lies nor did he sue the miscreants who so horribly damaged his political career and all the future enrichments that promised. Those are quite fertile grounds for a major damages suit. But, ask any lawyer you know why Kerry didn't sue and you'll find out that the most obvious reason is that a rock-solid defense against libel, slander and defamation is purely and simply the truth.

Kerry dropped all the phony protestations and promises of lawsuits and slunk back into the Democrats' crowded-to-overflowing ethical swamp as soon as the media lost interest. For a man who had been denied so much greatness because of these supposed liars, it was an extremely, tuck-tailed, timid exit.

Now we have John Kerry reporting for duty again, stepping forward, with his military armor and credentials even more tarnished than when he reported in 2004. Kerry should think twice before he gets too involved in this current battle between Obama and the military. This time the dissident warriors aren't all old men as were the Swiftees. Kerry and Obama are taking on the special operations community, both active and past service, a bunch of really tough guys who do not take it lightly when their professional reputations are trashed to promote the political reputations of Democrats who never served. There is probably no more formidable community in the world nor is there a military entity more worthy of the admiration of the American people. These people truly are the tip of America's military spear. It  is doubtful that a limited-experienced, foolish Democrat politician, like Barack Obama, has any idea of just how sharp the tip of that spear can be, as John Kerry should have learned by now.

Who's up next to attack these warriors on Obama's behalf, Senator Blumenthal?

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