martes, 25 de septiembre de 2012

Killed Japanese Journalist's Partner Demands Probe

Partner of Japanese journalist killed in Syria still looking for answers. Full Story: The common-law husband of a Japanese journalist killed in Aleppo last month is pressing the Syrian government to start an investigation into her death. Mika Yamamoto, 45, was killed while in Aleppo with her longtime partner and colleague, Kazutaka Sato. The two, who are correspondents for The Japan Press, came under fire. Yamamoto was shot multiple times and was rushed to a hospital, but succumbed to her wounds. Sato visited the Syrian embassy in Tokyo on Tuesday to ask for an official investigation into the death. [Kazutaka Sato, Partner of Killed Journalist]: "They're going to investigate for us whether she was killed by the government or some group affiliated with the regime -- or indeed a completely different group altogether. We want to know what they discover, and we'll also be carrying out our own independent investigation." Sato believes that Yamamoto was shot by government forces. [Kazutaka Sato, Partner of Killed Journalist]: "I want to know why she had to be shot, why she died. I want to know who shot her. All my energies will be devoted to getting to the bottom of this." Mika Yamamoto joined The Japan Press in 1995, and had covered the conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan. She is the fourth foreign journalist to have been killed in Syria since March 2011. For more news and videos visit ☛ Follow us on Twitter ☛ http Add us on Facebook ☛
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Time: 01:26 More in News & Politics

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