sábado, 26 de enero de 2013

Dophin Dies in Brooklyn Gowanus Canal - Trapped Dolphin Gets No Rescue - Left to Die

click here to subscribe; http:\youtube.comsubscription_center?add_user=areyouintheknow This isn't the first time that Sea Creatures have been left to die...This story was hard to see since it died in the filthy and polluted waters of the kiwanis canal the animal struggled for hours. But there was no rescue attempt and tonight many are asking why not eyewitnesses report and give -- as more live tonight from along the canal -- -- -- It was a judgment call waited till high tide of the dolphins and make it back out to sea -- corner it -- Capture it hoped that stress from all of that doesn't. In the -- experts are convinced tonight they've made the right to it. Neighbors stood on the average -- with tears in their lives the -- had rolled over on its side. -- stopped swimming. Marine biologist currently -- Beauchamp. You believe the animal was sick yet -- -- -- it was compromise or -- and in some way still that was first spotted at about 9 o'clock this morning. Swimming aimlessly up -- -- want us canal. Golf and came -- from the -- that account. And so he's been in this -- for a list six hours. Just bobbled around revolved around -- -- if the animal looked healthy to solve experts do differently. The dolphins seemed disoriented and weak struggling to swim. And gasping for air. I could tell that -- breeding rights where it was very very elevated seller. So all of those signs. Leg would not at the typical behavior of -- of adult. And the notable was believed to have been a full <b>...</b>
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