domingo, 23 de diciembre de 2012

ISRAEL / GAZA WAR / WW3 - OBAMA is Clinically INSANE & The BRITISH are Running The Show

SUBSCRIBE for Latest Reports - ISRAEL / GAZA WAR / WW3 - OBAMA is Clinically INSANE & The BRITISH are Running The Show Obama has been determined to be clinically insane. The British Crown and Wall Street control this monster! Get the facts in this special interview with Lyndon La Rouche MUST SEE! High-level sources in and around Washington, DC have confirmed the story implied by articles appearing in today's Washington Post and New York Times, that putative Democratic Presidential candidate Barack Obama is clinically insane. "Barack Obama has gone from being the presumptive nominee. Now he's becoming the presumptuous nominee," Dana Milbank wrote in a scathing piece in the Washington Post that ridicules Obama's arrogance, megalomania, and paranoia. "He travelled in a bubble more insulating than the actual president's. Traffic was shut down for him, as he zoomed about town in a long column, presidential-style motorcade, while the public and most of the press were kept Barack Obama has compared the left-leaning Occupy Wall Street protests sweeping the country to the right-wing Tea Party movement, saying the two groups are 'not that different'. The President, speaking during the second-day of a three-day tour to promote his ideas for creating jobs, also called for Americans to put pressure on Republican members of Congress to support his legislation, declaring: 'We are in this together.' Addressing the anti-corporation demonstrators currently camped in Wall <b>...</b>
From: 829speedy
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Time: 09:10 More in News & Politics

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