martes, 23 de abril de 2013


This video is all about bologna. No, I am not referring to the lunch meat. I am actually referring to what is often abbreviated as BS There are very many BS things out there that we must watch out for. One huge piece of bologna that I discuss in this video is the idea that a lone gunman named Lee Harvey Oswald killed John F. Kennedy. I bring up some countering arguments against that in this video. I didn't really research the topic recently, so the argument isn't the best I've ever made against anything, but it still shows the utter bologna that is Lee Harvey Oswald sole involvement. This video also contains an update on William's Story and why it has not yet been released. Enjoy! The JFK question was submitted to me by Hippiesean. I should also mention that I do not own the rights to Oscar Meyer products or any of its affiliated products, nor do I own the rights to the jingle. However, all I do in the video is mention the name of the company and sing a very bad parody of the jingle. I am not endorsing or trying to market any of the company's products, so there should not be any problems there.
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Time: 04:59 More in People & Blogs

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