lunes, 22 de abril de 2013

Crazy Joe Biden: Why Obama Loses Landslide To Mitt Romney

VP Crazy Joe Biden: This is why Barack Hussein Obama will Lose In A Massive Landslide To Mitt Romney. Crazy Joe is one heart beat away from being president, Crazy Joe is one gun shot away from being president, Crazy Joe is one heart attack from being president & many other bad things could make Crazy Joe the president. No Hollywood movie has ever been this scary. Every man, woman & child's life is at stake & could be in the hands of - Crazy Joe Biden, President of the United States of America~~~! The liberals love to attack Sarah Palin, in fact they hate Sarah Palin. The liberals are stuck with - Crazy Joe Biden. Then again so is the rest of the world if and when Pres. Obama dies or God forbid dies. The the world would be at the mercy of razy Joe Biden~~~~~~~!!!!! I will give you plain honest common sense reasons why Democrat President Barack Obama will lose in a landslide to Republican Mitt Romney come this Nov. presidential election. All of my reasons are based upon facts of today and history. Nov. 6th evening is going to be a really ugly evening for Obama & his liberal friends. Thank you Crazy Joe Biden~~~~~~~~~~~~~!!!!!!!
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Time: 05:13 More in News & Politics

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