martes, 24 de septiembre de 2013

Colorado Shooting Gov John Hickenlooper Struggles to Speak the Right Words to Victims' Families

No sleep. A steady stream of hospital visits and funerals. A constant struggle to find the right words for the victims' families. This is what Gov. John Hickenlooper can expect, says former Colorado Gov. Bill Owens, in office only three months in 1999 when two high-school gunmen killed 13 people at Columbine High School. "It's gut-wrenching. There's no training for this," he said. "You have a responsibility to steel yourself, provide leadership and help heal the wounds, but inwardly you're crying." Read more: Former Gov. Bill Owens says Hickenlooper faces "gut-wrenching" days - The Denver Post
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Time: 04:31 More in News & Politics

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