miércoles, 4 de septiembre de 2013

Will Israeli Intelligence Aggression Against Iran Spark a War? - Top Secret Writers

In January of this year, Mostafa Ahmadi Roshan, one of the leading scientists of Iran's major uranium-enrichment facility, was assassinated.

Two years earlier, Majid Shariari, a senior Iranian nuclear scientist was killed when a bomb was left by a motorcyclist at the side of a car in North Tehran's Aghdasieh district.

That attack had echoed a previous attack which had taken place in January 2010, when Iranian particle physicist, Masoud Alimohammadi was killed in north Tehran by a bomb strapped to a motorbike. A total of five Iranian nuclear scientists have been killed in recent years. (1)

On July 6 of this year, the Iranian spy chief, Heidar Moslehi, accused the intelligence services of multiple nations to be conspiring in aggressive tactics aimed at disrupting Iran's disputed nuclear programme.

Numerous Nations at Work in Iran Assassinations

Previous to Moslehi's recent statement, Iran had blamed the U.K, U.S. and Israel for the deaths of the five nuclear scientists, but now Iran has implicated German and French intelligence services as well.

"The recently dismantled networks of assassination and bombing were in co-ordination with main services," Moslehi said in the statement, continuing, "France, Germany, Israeli's Mossad, CIA, M16 and all regional served each other." (2)

The CIA report goes on to state that both the U.K and the U.S have denied any involvement with the killings of the five Iranian nuclear scientists, whilst Israel has yet to comment.

There is a general agreement that the allegations made by Iran are likely to aggravate strain between both Israel and Iran and the West and Iran, but will the alleged intelligence aggression spark a war?

American author Larry Everest, who has covered the Middle East and Central Asia politics for more than 20 years, is one thinker that does believe that aggression against Iran is increasing the danger of a U.S-Israeli war against Iran. In an article titled, "Danger of War Grows", Everest talks about these dangers of war mounting.

"The danger of a U.S.-Israeli war on Iran is escalating rapidly. The U.S. and its allies are ramping up their all-round assault on Iran, including new crippling sanctions, and openly threatening to attack. Ground is being laid daily in the headlines and statements by politicians of every stripe in mainstream U.S politics calling for aggression against Iran – all justified by unsubstantiated assertions that Iran is pursuing nuclear weapons." (3)

Everest refers to the 'unsubstantiated' claims that Iran is pursuing nuclear weapons makes it difficult to point the blame for the common killings of the five Iranian nuclear experts at anyone other than Israeli or U.S. intelligence.

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