miércoles, 26 de marzo de 2014

Senator Arlen Specter dies; he was 82 - NBCNews.com

>>> and a voice of moderation and a figure of catastropontroversy has died. today he lost his final battle with cancer and nbc's kelly o'donnell looks back on his life and legacy.

>> reporter: from his days as a scrappy philadelphia prosecutor to decades as that rare washington moderate, arlen specter was often influential and irascible.

>> i have been viewed as who has been accurately characterized as independence, perhaps fierce independence.

>> reporter: admired for how he kept going.

>> i have beaten a lot of tough political opponents.

>> reporter: swept into congress under ronald reagan in 1980 , but specter's views supporting immigration rights, abortion and gun control made him too liberal for the tea party movement. under assault, he bolted to the democratic party .

>> my change in party will enable me to be re-elected.

>> reporter: but specter lost.

>> it's been a great privilege to serve the people of pennsylvania.

>> reporter: he knew controversy well, at the warren commission , he wrote the single bullet theory that explained how lee oswald acting alone assassinated john f. kennedy . he angered many women after the spectacle around anita hill . but specter is also remembered for his wit and his devotion to the senate.

>> i lead with great optimism for the future of our country, a great optimism for the continuing vital rule of the united states senate and the governance of our democracy.

>> arlen specter was 82.

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