viernes, 30 de noviembre de 2012

MSNBC: Where The 'War On Women' Never Dies - Mediaite


President Barack Obama managed to cleave the nation's various demographic constituencies into enough sharply divided slices over the course of the last year to cobble together a majority. Many thought that the cynical strategy would not work, that most Americans were too integrated and not hostile towards one another to fall for such a cheap trick. That point of view turned out to be naïve. One of the president's more effective reelection messaging strategies was the supposed GOP-directed "war on women," which posited that Republican politicians were hopelessly misogynistic and the party's legislative vision included the curtailing of average women's access to contraception (as opposed to simply upholding the taxpayer's right not to subsidize it). While the election may be over, the White House's messaging effort never dies on MSNBC. There, the campaign goes on and the Democratic party's messaging continues.

Host Alex Wagner dug into the GOP's committee chairs on Thursday – the third such segment in less than 24-hours on the liberal cable news network (Chris Matthews and Rachel Maddow ran editorial reports on the same subject on Wednesday):

After railing against House Republican's antediluvian attitudes towards the female gender, NOW's panel guests were forced to backtrack.

Bloomberg Businessweek Reporter Joshua Green conceded that Rep. Cathy McMorris Rogers (R-WA) will take over for Rep. Jeb Hensarling (R-TX) as the chair of the House Republican Conference – a key committee responsible for forging the party's political talking points and keeping its members on message.

Wagner also conceded that Republican women occupy four of the nation's fifty governor's mansions. She did not mention, however, that the only two women (not one, as Wagner asserted) Democratic governors will retire in January leaving a (gasp) all male Democratic Governors Association.

Nor did Wagner find it worthwhile to mention that the president, supposed paragon of gender and racial equality, has staffed his White House with a virtually all male cast of advisors.

One would think these points would obscure the message that Wagner is trying to convey with all the subtlety of a disoriented deer careening through a plate glass storefront window. Subtlety is not the effort here – merely, the advancement of the Democratic party's agenda.

This is an effort to nakedly and unapologetically tar the Republican party and further drive a wedge between the GOP and single women (as opposed to married women – a group Mitt Romney won by double digits). How else can one characterize this segment when the countervailing evidence that would be presented in any balanced report is intentionally ignored.

That's not news – it is political campaigning.

> >Follow Noah Rothman (@Noah_C_Rothman) on Twitter

  • *sniff

  • That's OK, MSNBC has "The War on Women", and Fox has "The War on Christmas"

  • Come on Noah…everyone knows MSDNC never tells the whole story, they just tell the parts that fit their point of view..not really a surprise

  • Noah Rothman's Keyboard: Where the War For More Bull S*** Never Dies

  • "Many thought that the cynical strategy would not work, that most Americans were too integrated and not hostile towards one another to fall for such a cheap trick. That point of view turned out to be naïve."

    FOr a second there I thought you were talking about the "47% of americans that can't care for themselves" or the "urban vote"

    The naif here is the idiot that suddenly, post-election loss, decides demography matters in electoral strategy but that it is somehow underhanded or illegitimate for the country's demography to change!

    "simply upholding the taxpayer's right not to subsidize it"

    Name a taxpayer forced to subsidize a private insurance plan.

    The rest of this article relies on a stupid head-counting-optics game that the GOP is losing, but is largely irrelevant.

  • "That's not news – it is political campaigning."

    BREAKING NEWS: Noah discovers MSNBC Leans Forward.

  • The teapubliKan war on women never dies, never.

  • The House Republican Conference is NOT a Congressional committee it is the MAIN political caucus of the House Republicans.

    Just how would anyone KNOW which women who voted for Obama were married or not… Polls by republicans are already proven to be less than reliable on these issues… it was suggested that for reasons of domestic harmony many women would tell their husbands they voted republican while casting their ballots for Democrats … not all of them can afford to run down their husbands to vote democrat as that one woman did during the Scott Walker recall.

    The republicans did for a fact choose an all white old guys for actual committees that work on legislation PERIOD.

  • I see Noah. So the Party of NO wwants to deny women help to pay for their contaception, end all abortions and then deny poor women welfare. How "Christian" of you.

  • Another genius post from Rothman, The Boy Wonder!

  • I need to stop feeding the ultimate troll that is Noah Rothman by clicking his asinine links

  • There isn't goddamn war on anything. Paranoid fools on the left(MSNBC/NBC News) and right(Fox News).

  • How dare you resort to logic? Just call them all baggers.

  • "that most Americans were too integrated and not hostile towards one another to fall for such a cheap trick" Say what?

    Noah I was going to give you the benefit of the doubt on this one but you have crossed into delusional, wingnut, rage. The Democratic coalition is united and managed 332 electoral votes for Obama, we are not sharply divided. Try and be honest and accept that it is the Republican party that is not integrated and views other Americans with hostility. Plus Romney did not win married women by double digits he got 53% and Obama got 46%, Obama beat Romney by 36% for single women.

  • i just mute the sound and stare at Alex Wagner

  • Thank you. Why is this even post-worthy? The righties already have enough foam on their mouths to last the next 10 years…no need to get them riled up even further (as much as I enjoy seeing it).

  • I'm not even going to entertain your thoughts on women Noah.. Just like when you discuss race issues you're dismissive tone baffles, frustrates, and angers me to a degree.

    But you said "cobbled together a majority".. HA!! You're delusional too.. President Obama is about to become the first President, since Eisenhower, to get at least 51% of the vote twice.. If that's cobbling then what did he have to do to achieve a well manufactured victory?

  • Rothman hopes that if he whines enough, Republicans will call him a woman and nominate him for something.

  • "The House Republican Conference is the party caucus for Republicans in the United States House of Representatives. It hosts meetings and is the primary forum for communicating the party's message to members. It produces a daily publication of political analysis under the title Legislative Digest."

    Rothman has to lie and call the Republican conference a "committee" in order to bamboozle the morons who believe him.

    Rothman knows a cheap trick when he sees one. He just looks in the mirror.

  • Fox news: where war on Susan Rice who have nothing to do with Benghazi misinformatioon never dies.

  • How bout Warn on our Kids Future by going into debt? By: Obama, Bush

  • Excellent, lucid, incisive article by Mr. Rothman which highlights the emetic, egregious mendacity & shameless, screaming bias & bigotry of MSNBC.

  • The Democratic party is a coalition. By it's very nature, a wide range of opinions are held and exchanged. It works. I don't know that it is even possible for a Republican to understand this. Republicans seem to draw comfort from an orthodoxy which is in form an substance an anathema for Democrats.

  • uhh… I hate that word. It is so crass, unimaginative and tired.

    I don't have a problem with politically tinged insults… but they ought to be interesting, funny, or at least novel.

  • Even female Republican Officials are complaining about this now..

    Way to be hilarious there Noah…again.Keep up the good work.


  • Thank you, Gary. There's several other buzz words morons who can't think for themselves like to throw around on here, also.

  • One would think these points would obscure the message that Wagner is
    trying to convey with all the subtlety of a disoriented deer careening
    through a plate glass storefront window.

    Gotta love this writing.

  • I gave up after the opening bit about Obama winning re-election by turning people against one another. That's just meaningless hyperbole and projection.

  • I know what you mean, he is kind of like a punching bag though. All the proceeds go to Mediaite.

  • Someone got a thesaurus for her bat mitzvah.

  • So much butthurt, so little time

  • Mediaite: where Hope0505 can post tripe and try and obfuscate.
    I know this is difficult for you, but please at least admit there are definite questions about Rice's role in the PR disaster known as Pres. Choom's Benghazi response? And, equally, please admit that MSNBC doesn't even bring it up – once you have these two facts in your brain perhaps you might consider what fox is doing as journalism, as opposed to campaigning, like, well, like Wagner does on her show every day.

  • Congrats Noah – you are the master of pointing out facts in just the right way to cause the libs to start their frothing. I'm not sure how much you read the comments that result from your posts, but hopefully you can find some solace here – the stupidity is breathtaking . . . I'm seeing: the the GOP/conservatives want to "deny poor women welfare", Fox News is racist, a 47% reference (welcome back!), "Baggers", you were called a woman, and the list goes on. Keep up the great work – and really nice job these last couple of days shining your flashlight on MSNBC.

  • It's all about pushing an agenda. And the agenda cannot be questioned.

  • Mr. Rothman, do you call yourself a journalist?

  • What a garbage column to carry water for the GOP's old white men leadership.

  • Liberals suck.
    That is all there is to it.

  • This Rothman guy is a bitter idiot. Its over Obama won, maybe he'll do a story on fox news bias, doubt it, but there is always a chance. I don't get the right bitching about MSNBC, they have faux news, who misleads, but thats okay they represent "real America" and have never divided people or used scare tactics to rile people up.

  • Noah strikes me as a joke. next

  • I don't mind, as a liberal, a good conservative point of view. Its good to get both sides of an argument, but non stop ill will over an election that didn't have the result Rothman wanted. Now he writes crybaby post trying to downplay the election as a gimmick by Obama and not the fact that Romney scared the country.

  • There's no disaster regarding Benghazi. The only disaster is in the wingnut's fevered minds.

  • It doesn't matter what MSNBC says. Women held their cards close and on election day, gave Obama 11% more of their votes. It was the majority (women), not the minorities that sank Romney. Women have other ways (of exerting political pressure), than by being governors.

  • After that election day thumping, political writers are still putting "War on Women" in scare-quotes? Really, Noah?

  • Noah can't even write an intro for a video without screwing it up. At least the other hacks have a little talent. This is 6th grade stuff.

  • There is NO question that Susan Rice was asked to go on the Sunday Talk shows to discuss foreign affairs. Being that she is the UN Ambassador, she can talk about the various situations in the world. However, like all people who go on the Sunday Talk shows to discuss current topics – like Benghazi, they are given an "unclassified" talking points memo of what they can say. She used that in her discussion and at all times emphasized that the investigation of the attack was on-going and the details of what happened would be forthcoming.
    FOX has never been about journalism – it has been about ratings. It keeps on hammering points that are untrue or misleadiing so that lemmings like you can get it in their head that the "other guys" are terrible and doing something "BAD".
    How long did it take the investigators to find out about all those attacks during the Bush administration? And, if security was a problem – why were there so many attacks on the same embassy in Pakistan? And, if their was a failure in disregarding intelligence – tell us again what 'airplanes to fly into tall buildings" means in an intelilgence report and why it was ignored before 9/11? And tell us again why Condi Rice was out speaking about "mushroom clouds" when the CIA director had specifically told them it was false and should never have been in any speech?
    Get a brain.

  • Mediaite: Where Noah's BS never dies.

  • Noah filling quota probably.

    Mediaite, there are better conservative writers than this trash.

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