viernes, 30 de noviembre de 2012


he Path to WW3: GERALD CELENTE On Why WAR With IRAN Is A Certainty Brian Wilson, WSPD Toledo - June 18, 2012 : it is a freak show everywhere , whether it is in Greece in Italy in Spain you name it , who made up this crap that you have to bail out the banks , they are saving the bankers these clowns and experts from Princeton they will tell you this is the way it should be the central banks are the money changers they will do anything to keep the system afloat , they will use any scheme including the war on terrorism the war with Syria and I believe that a there is going to be a conflict with Iran , when you look at the propaganda being pushed out by the United States Goebbels will be proud of it . Gerald Celente (born November 29, 1946) is an American trend forecaster, publisher of the Trends Journal, business consultant and author who makes predictions about the global financial markets and other events of historical importance. Celente has described himself as a "political atheist" and "citizen of the world" Tags: Iran Israel US USA Alex Jones Gerald Celente Nuclear Bomb Zion Middle East Infowars Intelligence War WW3 Weapon government Trend People Truth Obama Zionist New World Order Control Freedom Michael Rivero False Flag Attack Illuminati Occupy Revolution Capitalism Revolution Conspiracy Endgame Russia China Attack Dollar NATO Army Military Navy Democracy Rebels Violence Power Regime Change Trade Dictator Pound Dollar Oil Bankers Greece Euro Israel Iran Middle East <b>...</b>
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Time: 13:18 More in News & Politics

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