viernes, 2 de agosto de 2013

In Memory of Those Obama Murdered

They Deserve Better, Than To Be Swept Under A Man's Campaign. 17 members of the elite Navy SEALS were killed after Obama revealed classified information about the raid on Bin Laden.. The family of slain US Border Patrol agent Brian Terry, who was killed with guns tied to the Fast and Furious program, issued a statement Openly accusing President Obama of compounding their family tragedy by invoking executive privilege. Barack Obama abandons Ambassador Chris Stevens and 3 other Americans on 911, fearing helping them would interfere with is campaign. He hid the intel, he ignored behind a PR blitz - by sharing in a lie with the muslim brotherhood about a video causing a 'spontaneous protest'.. which was later proven to be false.. resulting in their murders..
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Time: 01:52 More in News & Politics

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