miércoles, 7 de agosto de 2013

NYC Man Pushed on Subway Tracks, Killed by Train Raw Video

New York City police are questioning a suspect in the death of a subway rider who was shoved onto the tracks. New York Police Department spokesman Paul Browne says investigators recovered security video showing a man fitting the description of the assailant working with street vendors near Rockefeller Center. Police went there Tuesday and took him into custody. Ki-Suck Han of Queens died shortly after being hit by a train Monday at the Times Square subway station. Police say he tried to climb a few feet to safety, but got trapped between the train and the platform's edge. Subway pushes are unusual. Among the more high-profile cases was the January 1999 death of Kendra Webdale. A former mental patient admitted he shoved her to her death.
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Time: 01:03 More in News & Politics

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