domingo, 31 de marzo de 2013


WARNING: REPULSIVE CONTENT (18+). PLEASE REFRAIN CHILDREN, FAINT OF HEART OR STOMACH AND IMPRESSIONABLE PEOPLE. NOT FOR SHOCK BUT ONLY TO SPREAD THE HISTORICAL TRUTH. ATTENZIONE: CONTENUTI RIPUGNANTI (18+). SONO PREGATI DI ASTENERSI DALLA VISIONE BAMBINI, SOGGETTI IMPRESSIONABILI, DEBOLI DI CUORE O DI STOMACO. SENZA ALCUNA FINALITA' DI SHOCK MA SOLO PER MOSTRARE LA VERITA' STORICA. WHO REALLY STARTED WW2? Adolf Hitler does not cause the Second World War. His target was to recapture the german territories unjustly stolen from Germany with the iniquitous, oppressive and criminal Treaty of Versailles. After obtaining the return of the Sudetenland and the formation of the German Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia in agreement with the Czechoslovak President Hemil Hacha (Czechoslovakia was broken up after the Monaco Conference, it descended into the chaos and touched the civil war), the Fuhrer in 1938 offered Slovakia to Poland in exchange for the port of Gdansk. The polish government refused. He wanted to reach an agreement that provided for the construction of a highway and a double track railway that crossed the polish Corridor to the reunification of East Prussia with the motherland, in addition to the return of Gdansk (95% inhabited by Germans) to Germany. All this while the more intransigent faction of the National Socialist Party claimed that poland cede all territories stolen to Germany in 1919: the Gdansk's corridor, West Prussia and Upper Silesia. Hitler's demands <b>...</b>
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Time: 03:40 More in Education

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