jueves, 30 de agosto de 2012

The Darkest Secret behind Gu Kailai's Crime

Follow us on TWITTER: twitter.com Like us on FACEBOOK: www.facebook.com A source said that Gu Kailai has struck a deal with authorities and thus immediately expressed she will not appeal upon a suspended death sentence in court. Many netizens suspect that Heywood was killed for different reason. Commentators believe shocking crimes are being concealed by the CCP's covert act. We'll unlock these shocking secrets for you with our experts. On the day the court reached the verdict in Gu Kailai's case, the Chinese Caijing network published a series of focus-of-the-day photos entitled, "Gu Kailai will not appeal her first suspended death sentence verdict", and "Doctor death and his corpse factory." This photo arrangement appears to be reminding readers of the connection between Gu Kailai's crime and the corpse trafficking. Current affairs observer in Beijing, Hua Po, indicated that the Chinese authorities will not touch anything relating to the dark secrets in Gu Kailai's case, that is, the live organ harvesting from Falun Gong practitioners and reselling of the corpses. Hua Po: "I believe the court has reached an agreement with her and Zhang Xiaojun. They will not appeal and they knew the verdict before it was announced." Political commentator, Lee Tianxiao, indicates an earth- shattering evil is hidden in the suspended death sentence. Li Tianxiao: "Once exposed, her crimes of live organ harvesting from Falun Gong practitioners and corpse trafficking will shake the CCP to its <b>...</b>
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Time: 03:20 More in News & Politics

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