martes, 16 de octubre de 2012

Leo Strauss and the Republican Neoconservatives

Neo-conservatism has changed the Republican Party since the days of Eisenhower and the teachings of political philosopher Leo Strauss has had a monumental influence on that change. "Leo Strauss' Philosophy of Deception: Many neoconservatives like Paul Wolfowitz are disciples of a philosopher who believed that the elite should use deception, religious fervor and perpetual war to control the ignorant masses." [ ] The following is an excerpt from the book review of "Leo Strauss and the American Right" by Shadia Drury, professor of philosophy at the University of Regina. [ ] "It was the ideals of liberalism itself -- secular politics, human rights, equal dignity, and human freedom -- that he did not relish." ...Their job, at first, is to wean America away from its "love affair" with liberalism. To do this they will drive a wedge between liberalism and democracy....Democracy is the rule of the people, or rule according to the will of the people or the majority." It can easily be used to suppress liberalism. By demagogic manipulation democracy, through a populist appeal, can be turned against liberalism. The essential first task... is to produce attack liberalism and gain power. Strauss's hatred of liberalism is so virulent that he sees the struggle against it as a war, and in war all is fair. For this reason Straussians will use every dirty trick they can think of in the democratic arena in order to defeat liberalism. While doing so <b>...</b>
From: NRUN65
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Time: 11:01 More in Education

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