martes, 16 de octubre de 2012

Obama Supporters Promise Race War When Romney Wins Election~~~!!!

Barack Obama has not done anything and will not do anything before the election to calm down potential riots by insane hate filled Obama supporters. Since the end of the first presidential debate the hate speech from the Obama supporters has increased greatly across the nation. Swat teams and riot police in every major city has been preparing for the eventual Obama defeat on Nov. 6th. They expect the worst to happen and they are preparing for the worst to happen. After Obama loses to Mitt Romney on Nov. 6th, no one will be safe on the streets for sometime to come. Not Republicans, Democrats or anyone. There will be many attempts by groups like the hate filled Black Panther party to interfere with or block people voting in strong Romney areas. The Swat teams & riot police will be needed in those areas to make it safe for "honest" hard working Americans to legally cast their votes. Senior citizens will be a major target of the thugs from the Black Panther party. They were in 2008 & will be again in 2012. The insane hate fill Obama supporters here on UT have increased their threats of attacks since Obama screwed the pouch in Denver & let them all down. They are now extremely angry and ticked off that their Messiah Obama does not have a cake walk for another 4 years. The angry Obama supporters will not care who they attack. They will not ask if you voted for Barack or Mitt. These low life's will only be interested in looting (stealing) as much as they can from whom ever they <b>...</b>
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Time: 05:20 More in News & Politics

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