martes, 23 de octubre de 2012

Who Killed Her? Episode 2

I was going to be upset why i didn't get a lot of comments on the last episode but stupid me forgot to put that it was the first episode in the title..duh! Episode 2 Nick's POV Nick: So I heard you invited Demi to the murder mystery party. Joe: Yeah I did so what? Nick: It's not a so what, you have liked her forever and you're finally making a move. Joe: I guess, but I really just invited her cause she is a friend and she has been helping me a lot with my work for school. Nick: Yeah if you say so, just ask her out already. Joe: I am not just going to ask her out. Nick: You know you want to. Joe: You're impossible, just help me buy the stuff for the party cause it's this weekend. Nick: Okay. Do you know if Demi is going to come? Joe: I don't know I mean when I was talking to her after school she seemed really unsure I guess I have to wait till the day we choose our characters to see if she shows up. Nick: I am really excited for this year's. Joe: It's just like every year. Nick: Yeah I know. But I have gotten better don't you think? Joe: Nick you have gotten it wrong every year and I wouldn't be surprised if you got it wrong this year as well. Nick: I have been reading up on mystery books. Joe: When? In between make out sessions with Selena. Nick: Okay fine I have been watching movies but whatever, I am going to know who did it this year. Joe: Not if Demi beats you. Nick: What makes you so sure she will. Joe: Cause she's smarter than you. I rolled my eyes at Joe as he <b>...</b>
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Time: 01:31 More in Entertainment

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