lunes, 15 de julio de 2013


Suicide car bombings have ripped through a government base in the southern Syrian city of Deraa, killing at least 20 soldiers. There appeared to be conflicting reports about the number of bombings in Deraa, with state media reporting three blasts and opposition groups saying there had been two explosions. The UK-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights says two suicide bombers drove explosive-laden cars into a military encampment in quick succesion. The explosions were followed by clashes between government forces and rebels. The blasts are the latest in a series of attacks targeted at regime forces and symbols of state security across the country. Meanwhile, the Observatory has reported a separate car bomb attack in the southern part of Damascus, in which nine people have been wounded. Syrian state television reports that a rocket attack has wounded two girls in the capital's Christian district of George Khoury.
From: ZazaNews1
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Time: 00:03 More in News & Politics

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