martes, 23 de julio de 2013

In my veins (Rachel's death) - glee

Hey guys!!! I'm still new to this stuff so cut me some slack!!! And sorry about some audio parts, I really had trouble fixing it... This video is about the regret that Finn has for getting Rachel in a car crash on the way to their wedding, Finn survives, but Rachel ultimately dies. This leaves everyone in the glee club depressed and heartbroken, in which they all experience flashbacks of memories with Rachel and start to blame Finn and each other. In the end Finn and Quinn start a relationship to help with the mourning and to try and forget about Rachel, but Finn realizes that he can't get over Rachel that easily... Please note that this is FANMADE!!! Rachel does not really die!!! And yes I did use scenes from Grey's Anatomy...... Enjoy and like!!!!
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Time: 06:50 More in Entertainment

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