Your watching Topical79, breaking news... The Dramatic Typhoon known as Bopha has actually made a U-turn and is on its way back to the Philipinnes! This typhoon has already killed around 600 people. Hundreds are still reported missing. Bopha just wont leave and is now headed towards Phillipinnes northwest. There is also a chance it will remain in the South China Sea which many are hoping. None the less- it's getting close to shore. People are experiencing stormy weather including high winds. Unfortunately around 10,00 people are actually homeless now due to this disastrous storm. Food and water is also scarce. The majority of Philipinnes Military and Police are currently focused in the South were the Typhoon has already hit. Many are still on the look out for survivors as we can only hope for the best. Your watching Topical79, drop me a comment! | From: Official Best Views: 0 0 ratings | |
Time: 01:04 | More in News & Politics |
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