viernes, 5 de abril de 2013

Auslan Bible Story #101 - Jesus is Killed

This is the famous Bible story about how Jesus was killed. Notice that the signer uses the sign for an 'upright pole' or 'stake' rather than a 'cross'? Why is this? The translators were very careful to make sure they captured the meaning of the original Greek. In the original manuscripts the Greek word 'stauros' was used for the piece of wood that Jesus was nailed to and eventually died on. Interestingly, the word 'stauros' can only refer to one upright piece of wood. It never refers to two pieces of wood nailed together. Crosses were used commonly in Egypt and by other Non-Christian religions before Jesus came to earth. The Egyptian ankh is an example of this. Seeing as Jesus was the founder of the Christian religion, there is no way God would have allowed his son to sacrifice his life and redeem all man kind by dying on a Non-Christian icon. However, many years after Jesus died, the cross was accepted by some Christian religions. Jehovah's Witnesses, who love God and Jesus very much, feel that this is the same as eating a lolly that even though it has been washed, came from a dirty gutter. Watch the story to learn more. It has been translated into Auslan (Australian Sign Language), by Jehovah's Witnesses. For more information or for free downloads of other videos in Auslan, please visit
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